Who Is Dick Vernon
The Positive Side of Life
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The Positive Side of Life


  Living on Earth is expensive
   But it does include a free trip 
   Around the sun every year. 

   How long a minute is 
   Depends on what side of the 
   Bathroom door you're on. 

   Birthdays are good for you; 
   The more you have, 
   The longer you live. 

   Happiness comes through doors you 
   Didn't even know you left open. 

   Ever notice that the people who are late 
   Are often much jollier 
   Than the people who have to wait for them? 

   Most of us go to our grave 
   With our music still inside of us. 

   If Walmart is lowering prices every day, 
   How come nothing is free yet? 

   You may be only one person in the world, 
   But you may also be the world to one person. 

   Some mistakes are too much fun 
   To only make once. 

   Don't cry because it's over; 
   Smile because it happened. 

   We could learn a lot from crayons: 
   Some are sharp, some are pretty, 
   Some are dull, some have weird names, 
   And all are different colors....but 
   They all exist very nicely in the same box. 

   A truly happy person is one who 
   Can enjoy the scenery on a detour. 

   Have an awesome day, and 
   Know that someone 
Has thought about you today!.. 

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