Who Is Dick Vernon

It's Never Too Late

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It’s Never Too Late . . . Late Bloomers

It’s Never Too Late . . . Late Bloomers

In the November 1998 issue of Forbes magazine features a collection of “Golden Oldies,” listing a number of people who had become successful in the autumn of their lives:

Ray Kroc started the franchising of McDonald’s restaurants when he was 52.

Col. Harlan Sanders started his franchising business, Kentucky Fried Chicken, at 62.

Frank Lloyd Wright designed Fallingwater (the Edgar Kaufmann house in Bear Run, Pa.) at 69, and the Guggenheim Museum at 76.

Coco Chanel designed her famous woman’s suit after coming back from retirement at age 71.

Grandma Moses began painting at 78.

Emily Post’s Etiquette was published when she was 50.

John Huston directed James Joyce’s The Dead at 80.

Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin started producing his lighter-than-aircraft at 62.

And last but not least, let us not forget John Glenn—officer, astronaut, senator—who literally went out of this world into space at age 77.”

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