Who Is Dick Vernon
Home | Blank Page | Self Portrait | About Me | Favorite Links | Contact Me | Spaghetti Sauce | It's Never Too Late | Twas The Night Before Christmas - 23rd Year Of Schooling | Classes at Men's Learning Center | How To Keep A Level Of Insanity | How To Poop At Work | Things To Do At Wal-Mart | Merry Christmas In Other Languages | Word Puns | Find 30 Books of the Bible | Graviola - A Natural Cure | Freedom Tax Days by Comparison | Why English Is Hard To Learn | Questions That Need Answers | Can You Read This??? | Grandma's Hands | Great Advice | Message from Jay Leno | House Cleaning Philosophy | Amazing Home Remedies | Great Tips | The Positive Side of Life | King and Four Wives | For Those Who Know Everything | Thank You For Your Time | The Graviola Story | Difference between men and women | 5 Lessons - How to Treat People | The Year Was1907 | Why? Why? Why? | Famous Last Words | The Human Body | A Trip To Wal-Mart | Yearly Dementia Test | I Believe... | 24 Points to ponder | How Many Of These Do You Know About? | Stuff and Nonsense | Browsing Old Cemetries | Lexophiles (Lover of Words) | Did You Know??? | Great Tips To Live By | Things To Do In An Elevator | Advantage of being over 60 | 44 Highs


Here you'll learn all about me: 

 I've even included a list of my favorite links to other sites and even my favorite spaghetti sauce recipe.

On these pages, I'll introduce myself and have a little fun and do some wild things. I might put a picture of myself on one of these pages...or just a picture that I especially like or don't like, or I may just have a little fun here. We are very serious about some things, but very crazy about other things we do or say. That's all in fun.

Be sure and check everything out:

• MY CONTACT (email) dickvernon@zoominternet.net

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate. Who knows what I might add???

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.